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Error Level

Each lint error has it's error level. lintnet lint command has it's error level and shown error level.

The following error levels are supported.

severityerror level

The default error level of lint command and each lint error is error. And the default shown error level of lint command is info.

lint command's error level is greater than shown error level. For example, if you set error level to debug, shown error level becomes debug too.

You can specify the error level of lint command by command line option --error-level (-e) or the environment variable LINTNET_ERROR_LEVEL or configuration file lintnet.jsonnet.


lintnet lint -e error
// lintnet.jsonnet
error_level: 'warn',
shown_error_level: 'debug',

You can also specify the shown error level of lint command by command line option --shown-error-level or the environment variable LINTNET_SHOWN_ERROR_LEVEL.

The error level of each lintnet error is specified with level field.


if std.objectHas(, 'description') then [] else [{
name: 'description is required',
level: 'warn', // Error level is 'warn'

If all errors' error level is lower than the error level of lint command, the command succeeds. If the error level of a lint error is lower than the shown error level of lint command, the error is excluded from the output.