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Lint rules

lintnet uses Jsonnet to write lint rules.


function(param) // param is a Top level arguments
if std.objectHas(, 'description') then [] else [{
name: 'description is required',

Scaffold a lint file

lintnet new [<lint file name | main.jsonnet>]

Top level arguments

Top level arguments param is passed to lint files.

JSON Schema of top level arguments


// A data file
// If the lint file name ends with _combine.jsonnet, this field is empty.
data: {
file_path: 'foo.yaml',
file_type: 'yaml',
text: '...',
value: {
// data

// A list of data files.
// If the lint file name ends with _combine.jsonnet, this field is set.
// Otherwise, this field is empty.
combined_data: [
{ // same as data
file_path: 'foo.yaml',
file_type: 'yaml',
text: '...',
value: {
// data
// ...
config: {}, // configuration of the lint rule

Format of Jsonnet

JSON Schema

function(param) [
// Only name is required. Other fields are optional.
name: 'rule name',

description: 'rule description',
message: 'error message',

// location where errors occur
// The format is free.
location: {}, // an object
location: '', // string is also ok

// URLs to the reference of lint rules and errors.
// links is either an array or an object.
links: [
title: 'title',
link: '',
// links: {
// '<title>': '',
// },

level: 'error', // Error level
excluded: false, // If true, the element is excluded.
custom: {}, // An object. Users can use this field freely.
// ...

Conversion of


lintnet parses data files and converts them to JSON. YAML supports non string map keys such as integer and boolean, but JSON doesn't. So when lintnet converts data files to JSON, lintnet converts non string map keys to string.

Native functions

lintnet supports some native functions.

You can executed these functions by std.native("{native function name}").


local contained = std.native("strings.Contains")("hello", "ll"); // true

For details, please see Native functions.

Import Modules

Please see here.

Config parameter

Please see here.